Change Your Mind All The Time.

Azfar Saboor
3 min readApr 14, 2024

How many of you decided to read this because the title is a topic of contention? Change my mind all the time? Why am I saying this? Why am I encouraging such behaviour? I should be advocating for the opposite? etc etc.

Before you jump into any kind of conclusion. Have an open mind and just hear me out. It just might surprise you. So here we go…

For far too long, mankind’s greatest folly, is thinking we know everything. It’s either done consciously and conspicuously or is done without malice. Either way, it’s been done. We surround ourselves with people who think like we do and we don’t spend time with people that don’t. You scroll on any social media platform today, and all it does is inflate your views and biases. Life becomes a proclivity of buttressing our own rhetoric.

But again, it’s human nature. A whipper snapper lifestyle. We like knowing everything or think that we do because it gives us a sense of comfort and confidence in a life filled with ominous uncertainty. But have we really questioned or challenged our own thinking? Has it been questioned by a friend, colleague, family etc? Why are we pretending we know everything when deep down, deep in the recesses of our mind, we know there’s something we don’t know or cannot see.

Which leads to the point of this article, if we know there’s a chance that we’re wrong deep in the recesses of our mind, are we open to a change? Can the neuroplasticity be altered? Are we able to change our thinking?

I believe so.

Time and time again, if you scroll on social media or everyday conversation, you see people trying catch each other in hypocrisy. The famous sentence, “he/she said one thing, and is now saying the opposite”.

Now if a change in one’s mind as an expression of their own vanity, that’s a totally different conversation for another time.

But if done, because they have more information than before or maybe life taught them a lesson and that lesson made them change, is that hypocrisy or just growth? You and I have seen countless instances of people being attacked online or in person for simply changing their mind about something.

“Flip flopper” or “Hypocrite” is a common term used on them. By that logic, we’re suppose to just go about our life thinking the same way? That’s a boring way of life, ain’t it?

I change my mind all the time. A friend of mine even calls me a “walking hypocrite” because I’d change my mind in 24 hours. I change it because I know more than what I did 24 hours ago, I had more time to think, contemplate and ponder about it. It creates really bursty relationships but man it sure does work.

At the end of the day, it’s not about the quickest answer but about the right answer.

By the way, the simpletons who read this would go all out and change their mind as an expression of their own vanity. But that’s just immature petulant thinking.

It requires substance, it requires information, it requires you to challenge yourself, it requires you to dive into your own mind so that you can better understand what’s not particularly obvious.

So yes, change your mind all the time. Use it for good, not for vanity and you just might find the right answer, quicker.

Hope you enjoyed this.

Much Love,




Azfar Saboor

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